Thursday, March 17, 2005

St Paddy's day

Today is both happy and bitter sweet for me.
My dad was as Irish as they come with just a wee bit of cajun french in him to make it interesting.

St. Patricks day around our house growing up as a kid was so special. My dad would wake us up that morning with bagpipe music blaring from his stereo on a long playing album of various tunes. it always reminded me of sour grapes. We would say "Top o' the morning" daddy.

My mom and dad would go out for lunch on that day, my mom had a special outfit just for the occasion. A green suit, Channel inspired, with a lining of white fabric with shamrocks all over it and a matching blouse made out of the same fabric. My mom was so slim she looked like a model. Even after 7 kids she kept her girlish figure.

They always talked about going to Ireland, my dad actually made it a couple of years ago after momma died. i asked him if he looked up any of our "kin" over there, he said" You couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a Donovan". I am very proud of my Irish heritage, we grew up hearing tales about the "Little People" meaning Leprchans and the Banshee's. There was movie out a couple of years ago called Darby o'Gill and the Little People. It scared me half to death, but it made a believer out of me. Someday i would like to go to the Emrald Isle.


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