Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday the 13th

OHHHHHH does this conjure up images of broken mirros, you get 7 years of bad luck for that one!
Black cats and for God's sake don't walk under a ladder.
My maternal grandmother was very supersticious.
She said it was bad luck to have a bird fly in the house, it meant someone was going to die.
don't put a hat on the bed????
If you spill salt, pick some up and throw it over your left shoulder.
Step on a crack and break your momma's back. Who sits around thinking up this crap.
My grandmother wouldn't let us eat banana's... don't know why.

So far it has been a pretty uneventful day, but the day ain't over yet and I do have to drive home with all the MInnesota nuts on the road. Tomorrow is the fishing season opening day.
that brings up another supersticion, my grandmother and mom wouldn't let us drink milk with fish??? So look out Walleye's and crappie's there is some angler looking for you hoping their luck will be good.


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