Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mike's Boy

Today is my son Jimbo's 27th birthday. Ihave been reflecting on this day since I woke up this morning. giving birth to a 9 pound 4 oz baby is not something you easily forget.
I can say this is probably one of the happiest days of my life, for once in my life I got it right. Not to say that I wasn't happy with the birth of my precious daughters, but a husband wants a son, it is a reflection of him. it means his family name will continue, it is a part of him.
I knew about youJimbo before you were born, God told me I was going to have a son, he also told your daddy the same thing.I never doubted once who you were. such a special baby, such a special child. such a beautiful son. I am remembering how you came into this world. there was hurricane hitting out in the gulf named Frederic. I think it did come ashore in Biloxi, sometimes when the barimetric pressure drops, like it does in a hurricane, or goes up, women can go into labor. there were 17 of us laboring the night I went to the hospital to have you. They told me you were going to be a big baby and because there were so many of us I had to have a monitor placed on me to watch the progression of my labor. I layed there in my bed alone watching this tiny screen and your heartbeat.This machine was spitting out a tape that measured my contractions so the nurses could look to see how I was doing. It was dropping onto the floor in piles after so many hours of labor. Then the time came to take me to the delivery room.The nurse I had was getting off her shift, but she wanted to see this big boy I kept talking about, so she came into the delivery room with me. When you were born, you cried just a little, they layed you on my stomach and we looked into each others eyes, it was love at first site, now they call it bonding.I spoke to you and you quieted your crying. Then they took you away to clean you up and weigh and measure you. The doctor laughed and said we were going to fool your daddy because they only had pink blankets in the delivery room. He wasn't fooled he knew you too, you were Mike's boy.
They wheeled us out into the hall, your daddy was waiting for us, but the look on my face told him everything he wanted to know and already knew. My son was here. As I look back on this time I am so thankful to God he gave you to me, I Love you son. Mere'


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